It is a dental specialty that deals with the study and treatment of diseases of the tooth-bone supporting apparatus, as well as problems of gingival aesthetics. Periodontal disease is inflammation of the tissues supporting the tooth... (see details)
Implantology is the branch of dental medicine that aims to restore the integrity of the dental arches by inserting a metal device (implant) into the bone to replace one or more lost teeth. The implant can be covered... (see details)
It is the branch of dentistry that deals with the straightening of teeth in an abnormal position on the dental arch and thus solving both aesthetic (beautifully aligned teeth) and functional problems. The services offered by our clinic... (see details)
Prophylaxis is the prevention of dental disease, as well as the prevention of complications, in the case of existing conditions. Prophylaxis consists of a set of procedures that... (see details)
Dentistry is the dental specialty that treats carious and non-carious lesions (fractures, dystrophies, dental wear lesions). The services we offer in the clinic... (see details)
Endodontics aims at removing infected or inflamed pulp tissue, cleaning and disinfecting the endodontic system and then filling (obturating) it with a material that... (see details)
Pedodontics is the branch of dentistry that addresses children, dealing with the prophylaxis and treatment of baby teeth and young permanent teeth. Our little patients sit back and relax... (see details)
Dental aesthetics
Aesthetic dentistry is any treatment that results in the cosmetic enhancement of the dental arches and a more pleasant and attractive smile. Aesthetic dentistry includes techniques and procedures from several dental specialties that aim to improve the appearance of the dental arches... (see details)
Dental prosthetics
Prosthodontics consists of restoring or replacing one or more teeth that have lost their functional capacity, or have been completely lost from the arches due to the progression of the caries process. The services we offer in our clinic are:
- Acrylic and elastic prostheses... (see details)
- Acrylic and elastic prostheses... (see details)
Dento-alveolar surgery
It allows to solve complicated problems with the dentomaxillary system as starting point: apical granulomas, maxillary cysts, included or semi-included wisdom molars, included canines, difficult dental extractions, periosteal abscesses with dental starting point, etc. The services we offer in the clinic... (see details)
Fast & Fixed
Fast & Fixed is an implant system from Bredent that offers the advantage of immediate prosthetics for oral rehabilitation treatments. Patients with no teeth or compromised teeth that can no longer be saved can benefit from Fast & Fixed. The patient has the great advantage of receiving prosthetic work immediately post-operatively, returning to social life in record time...(see details)
Tooth whitening
Teeth whitening treatments can be done in the office with a lamp or at home with a guide (night treatment). Professional whitening with the Beyond lamp means immediate, visible results for up to 2 years and 100% non-invasive and 100% pain-free treatment...(see details)
Laser therapy
We all know the anxiety of patients associated with dental treatment due to the drills, pain and injections for anesthesia. All of these are largely eliminated using laser therapy. With laser therapy you can prepare cavities, stop periodontal disease, disinfect dental canals in endodontics, prepare bone for... (see details)
PRGF Endoret therapy
PRGF Endoret technology is a process that accelerates post-surgical healing and is used in dentistry mainly in dental implant surgery, bone addition for implant, bone repair or dental abscess healing. It is an innovative technology, introduced in Romania in 2007. This system has been patented in Spain and is based on... (see details)
Dental emergencies Cluj
Dentocalm Dental Clinic is available 24 hours a day for dental emergencies, so that you can receive appropriate treatment immediately after dental problems... (Dental emergencies)