Welcome to Dentocalm
Dentistry out of care for patients!
The concept created for the Dentocalm dental clinic combines in a unique way good mood and professionalism. Our patients are our guests and are warmly welcomed every time they cross our threshold.
At Dentocalm dental clinic we offer each patient a pleasant and painless experience in order to blow the myth that dentistry involves pain and fear.
Dentocalm Dental Clinic is at your disposal with a wide range of treatments covering all specialties of dental medicine. From prophylaxis to implantology and orthodontics, patients with dental problems have all the necessary treatments on site without having to travel to other medical facilities.
Our dental clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment: laser, inhalation sedation device, PRGF Endoret technology, endodontic microscope. At Dentocalm dental clinic, patients benefit from personalized treatments. The patient has access to a team of specialists who discuss each medical case in an interdisciplinary manner, looking for the optimal solution for each patient.
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Ce simptome pot apărea după tratamentul endodontic?
Tratamentul endodontic reprezintă o procedură stomatologică folosită pentru a trata infecțiile sau leziunile de la nivelul pulpei dentare.De ce este important să tratezi bruxismul? Efectele scrâșnitului dinților asupra sănătății orale
Bruxismul, cunoscut și sub denumirea de scrâșnit al dinților, este o tulburare comună care poate afecta atât adulții, cât și copiii.
Contact Dentocalm - stomatologie Cluj-Napoca
- Cluj-Napoca, Calea Turzii, nr. 7