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Pediatric dentistry in Cluj

Pedodontia sau stomatologia pediatrică este specialitatea stomatologica care se adreseaza copiilor (stomatologie copii), ocupandu-­se cu profilaxia si tratamentul dintilor de lapte si a dintilor permanenti tineri. Micutii nostri pacienti stau relaxati deoarece in timpul tratamentului sunt rasfatati cu desenele lor animate favorite pe care le vizualizeaza pe ecranul televizorului. Personalul medical a fost antrenat in psihologia copilului, de aceea micutii pacienti revin intotdeauna cu placere la noi. #stomatologie copii Cluj #stomatologie pediatrica Cluj #pedodontie Cluj.

Healthy teeth, happy children

As parents, we are aware of the impact that teeth play on both our health and our social lives. And to combat the idea of 'fear' when it comes to going to the dentist... education has to start from an early age. More specifically, it is recommended that the first visits to the dentist start as early as when the child is 1 year old. The sooner you start visiting the dentist with your child, the more enjoyable it will be for your child, and the more confident and happy your child will learn to walk. During the dental consultation, your child will be taken in by the paediatric dentist, who is specialised and trained in child psychology, and the steps to be followed will be explained, using language adapted to the child's age.

tratamente stomatologice in rate prin TBI Bank - clinica dentara Dentocalm